
Hotels SIH9612 – Hotel complex in Sisi, Lasithi

Short Overview

The accommodation is located in the area of ​​Sisi Lasithi. Sissi is a seaside village, administratively it belongs to the municipality of Agios Nikolaos, in the prefecture of Lasithi. It is 300 meters from the sea.

It consists of 12 two-room Apartments (capacity up to 4 people), 3 Studios (capacity up to 4 people) and 8 Studios (capacity up to 3 people) fully furnished and with an average area of ​​30m2 each.

The above (Apartments-Studios) were renovated in 2011 and this results in their quality upgrade. The specific Studio Apartments are developed on 4 floors with a total constructed area of ​​approximately 700m2.

The unit is completed by outdoor spaces of approximately 4,000m2 where there are 2 swimming pool of 14.11m2 (children's), 167.12m2 (adults) and a pool-bar. On an area of ​​1,300m2, appropriately configured, there is a space for events (social events, Events, etc.)

The areas mentioned above are peripherally covered with dense tree planting as well as a lawn with a fully automatic irrigation system.



1300 m²

Features Overview

  • Garden
  • Swimming Pool
  • Furnished
  • Air Condition
  • Balconies
  • Wifi


44, 28th Oktovriou str
PC: 72100 Agios Nikolaos
Crete, Greece

Opening days: Monday to Saturday

Opening hours: 9:00 am to 2:00 pm & 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Contact Info

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Fax: (+30) 2841028835

Mobile: (+30) 6944666273

Phone: (+30) 2841028221