Building Plots VRPL696 – Building plot of 2371m² in Vrouha, Elounda

Short Overview

The property is situated in the settlement of Vrouha, in the region of Elounda. The total size of the property is 2371m2 and the maximum allowed building area is 400m2 approximately. Inside the boundaries of the property, there are olive trees.

The position of the property is calm and it offers nice panoramic views. 

2371 m²


44, 28th Oktovriou str
PC: 72100 Agios Nikolaos
Crete, Greece

Opening days: Monday to Saturday

Opening hours: 9:00 am to 2:00 pm & 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Contact Info

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Fax: (+30) 2841028835

Mobile: (+30) 6944666273

Phone: (+30) 2841028221